Carbon capture & CO2 liquefaction
Separating CO₂ for lower emissions and further processing
An increased focus on global warming and the removal of greenhouse gases will in the coming years lead to legislated CO₂-taxes. Carbon capture is a solution for companies to lower their CO₂-taxes by reducing their CO₂-emissions.
With the addition of Carbon Capture to the project portfolio, Ammongas can process and condition CO2 from flue gas or tail gas. Carbon capture through Ammongas-tailored CO₂-separation is a fairly similar process to Ammongas’ biogas upgrading, with high capture-rates to below 1% CO₂ in the treated flue gas after CO₂ has been separated.
With many years of experience within CO₂-separation, Ammongas has acquired a great expertise in carbon capture from biogas plants. This expertise has since then been transferred to capturing CO₂ from flue gas. In 2021, Ammongas won the National District Heating Award in collaboration with Thisted and SEG A/S for their demonstration of carbon capture from waste-heat flue gas by utilising Ammongas carbon capture technology.
CO₂ liquefaction
Ammongas offers a solution for CO2 liquefaction. The inlet raw CO2 entering the liquefaction plant is pre-conditioned and polished prior to compression, dehydration, and condensation before final storage.
Depending on the end-use, the CO₂ can through the Ammongas LCO₂-plant be delivered with a quality of +99% CO₂ for sequestration and up to food-grade or green fuel quality.
We have constructed a CO₂ liquefaction plant at Tønder Biogas, one of the largest biogas plants in Europe. The biogenic CO₂ will be supplied to the nearby Kassø e-methanol plant.